The Allied Health Rural Generalist Pathway
A multi-jurisdictional strategy to advance the concept of an Allied Health Rural Generalist Pathway (AHRGP) has been under development since 2013. The collaboration involved in developing the AHRGP brings together health and education sector partners from across Australia.
The Allied Health Rural Generalist (AHRG) Pathway is an evidence-based strategy that improves access to essential health services and promotes and develops an agile, interconnected rural and remote health workforce with a breadth of skills and capacity needed to work across service sectors.
What is an Allied Health
Rural Generalist?
Working within their profession’s scope of practice, allied health rural generalists possess, or are developing, broad clinical competencies, plus one or more areas of “depth” or “special skills” that align to a specific service priority or community need.

Rural generalists provide services to a large range of consumers, for a wide breadth of clinical presentations, and usually work across the age spectrum and in a variety of healthcare delivery settings including hospital services, ambulatory & community care, primary healthcare, disability, and aged care.

Working in small teams and in inter-professional and inter-agency service models is common. This requires a range of non-clinical capabilities including collaborative practice, service evaluation and planning, leadership, education and training, community engagement and cultural safety.
Allied Health Rural Generalist
Training Positions
Allied Health Rural Generalist (AHRG) training positions support the graduate/early career practitioner to develop relevant skills to meet the health needs of rural and remote communities. Where workforce shortages are acute, AHRG training positions can improve attraction, recruitment and retention, and build the capabilities of allied health professionals and the multidisciplinary team.

An AHRG Training Position is appropriate for an early career practitioner in one of the following health professions:
  • Exercise Physiology
  • Medical Imaging
  • Nutrition & Dietetics
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Pharmacy
  • Physiotherapy
  • Podiatry
  • Psychology
  • Social Work
  • Speech Pathology

The AHRG Training Position should require the professional to practice with a generalist scope of practice within their relevant allied health profession.

Key elements of an Allied Health

Rural Generalist Training Position:

Formal education

A formal education program that supports the development of the clinical and non-clinical rural generalist practice requirements of the relevant allied health profession. This aim enhances the skills and capabilities of the allied health workforce to meet the challenges of delivering services in rural and remote areas.

Structured supervision and support

Workforce policy and employment structures - such as structured supervision and support - that align to development requirements and facilitate progression from entry-level competency to proficient rural generalist in the relevant allied health profession and into extended scope roles where this is required by the service. This aims to improve the recruitment and retention of allied health professionals in rural and remote services with a focus on supporting the AHRG Trainee.

Service development project

As part of their training, rural generalist trainees undertake a service development project that supports and engages the trainee to innovate and implement solutions to the challenges of delivering care across geographically dispersed and culturally diverse populations. This aims to support the growth of allied health service models that meet the needs of rural and remote communities.


The Allied Health Rural Generalist Pathway initiative is a collaboration between the Allied Health Professions’ Office of Queensland (AHPOQ), New South Wales Ministry of Health, Northern Territory Department of Health, Western Australia Country Health Service and Department of Health Western Australia, Rural Support Service, SA Health, Tasmanian Health Service, Victorian Department of Health and Human Services, James Cook University, Queensland University of Technology and Services for Australian Rural and Remote Allied Health (SARRAH).

The current expansion of the AHRG Pathway in the private and non-government sectors is being supported by funding provided by the Commonwealth Department of Health. For more information, see our TAHRGETS page.

Further Information on the allied health rural generalist pathway and initiatives

Please contact SARRAH if you require more information on the allied health rural generalist pathway.

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 1800 338 061