Allied Health Rural Generalist Accreditation Council
Established as an independent council under the Services for Australian Rural and Remote Allied Health (SARRAH) corporate governance structure, the Allied Health Rural Generalist Accreditation Council (the Council) accredits post‐professional education programs in rural generalist practice for allied health professions as part of the Allied Health Rural Generalist (AHRG) Pathway.

About the Accreditation Council

Established as an independent council under the Services for Australian Rural and Remote Allied Health (SARRAH) corporate governance structure, the Allied Health Rural Generalist Accreditation Council (the Council) accredits post‐professional education programs in rural generalist practice for allied health professions as part of the Allied Health Rural Generalist (AHRG) Pathway.

Council members

Read SARRAH's media release "SARRAH announces the newly appointed Allied Health Rural Generalist Accreditation Council" here.

Read SARRAH's media release "Executive Officer to the Allied Health Rural Generalist Accreditation Council Appointed" here