Past SARRAH Conferences

2016 SARRAH Conference

About the 2016 SARRAH National Conference

The 12th SARRAH National Conference was hosted by the Port Lincoln Hotel in Port Lincoln, Souther Australia and ran from 27-29 October 2016.
SARRAH chose Port Lincoln for the 2016 SARRAH National Conference 'It takes a village to raise a child'. The conference provided a forum for the rural and remote allied health workforce, bureaucrats, educators and consumers to gather and explore how the village approach can be applied to rural and remote health outcomes.
In rural and remote life and work, our “village” has never been more important than it is today. We live in a rapidly evolving environment and we are faced with a myriad of both challenges and opportunities each day. Navigating these changes can be daunting – collaboration, innovation, partnerships and supports are necessary to prepare our communities for a vibrant, sustainable future.
A village approach implies that there is shared responsibility and that people work together and contribute in ways that are consistent with their strengths, skills and abilities.
It takes a village to have necessary tough conversations, to disagree and to problem solve in ways that are inclusive.

Conference Sponsors

SARRAH would like to thank the financial sponsors of the 2008 SARRAH National Conference for their support of this event

Conference Sponsors

Australian Government Department of Health
Queensland Government
Health Education & Training Institute
Victoria State Government
Australian Rural Health Education Network
PHN Country South Australia
Greater Northern Australia Regional Training Network
SA Health | Government of South Australia
Brentnalls | SA
University of South Australia Department of Rural Health